It’s safe to say that Aerolyn manages everything everywhere and is our resident Social Media Coordinator. She’s community manager of Everywhere’s social media channels in addition to being office manager. She joins Everywhere with a vast knowledge of and thirst for all things social media.

After graduating from Valdosta State University in May 2012 with a degree in Speech Communications - emphasis in Public Relations - Aerolyn moved to Chicago to complete her second of four internships. She then came home to Atlanta and joined the Everywhere team as - you guessed it - an intern! She brings with her, skills and experience acquired through her extensive internships. Before coming on board as an official team member, Aerolyn worked in the luxury retail industry as a manager, stock associate, and fashion representative (many times all in the same day!)

While Aerolyn can craft 140-character tweets in her sleep, she’s definitely not all work and no play! She loves attending concerts, going to the movies, reading a good book (quiz her on anything Transformers or Harry Potter related…we dare you!), and fancies herself a collector of unique memorabilia. Her collection of Audrey Hepburn magazines and vinyls would make even the biggest fan green with envy.