Entries by Lexi Severini

Haiti: Proud, Hopeful & Resilient

By: Lexi Severini When I was told that I would be heading to Haiti this year for our annual trip, I was elated. I’d been researching the country and its art for nearly two years while working on the Macy’s initiative, Heart of Haiti. I felt excited and nervous, grateful and somehow, undeserving. People will […]

Growing Up Giving: Everywhere & Macy’s Heart of Haiti Create a Guide to Raising Charitable Children

This holiday season, Everywhere and Macy’s Heart of Haiti have decided to bring parents and children the gift of giving. Heart of Haiti – an initiative that aims to create financial sustainability in Haiti by sourcing artwork from local vendors and selling them through Macy’s – promotes a belief in ‘trade not aid’ but also […]

Tumblr: Everywhere’s New Guilty Pleasure

By: Lexi Severini We’re all about social, here at Everywhere. We preach to our clients the importance of making a presence for themselves and their companies online. We equip them with the tools and skills necessary to make sure that their desired audience would be hardpressed to ignore them. And then like any good, altruistic […]

Keep It Glassy

By: Lexi Severini In case you haven’t turned on a computer this week, we will brief you on what has dominated Mashable, Read Write Web and many other social news sources. Google Glass is taking over. Okay, we’re exaggerating. While it could be argued that the introduction of this futuristic device into society has the […]

“Will Work for Tweets”

By: Lexi Severini The saying goes, “words have power” and as purveyors of messaging there is no one that believes that statement more than we do. Whether your preferred platform is Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube or Google + you can rest assured that if you’ve done your due diligence, the intended audience can and will […]

The Unequal Power of Imagery

By: Lexi Severini This Tuesday marked the start of the Supreme Court’s hearings of same sex marriage and equality cases. Amidst the outpouring of both disapproval and support came an overwhelming response from the online community as profile pictures and artistic cover photos were swiftly changed out for the HRC’s red equality logo. What’s amazing […]