Entries by Lina Skandalakis

Everywhere Society Member Badge

Do you love being a part of Everywhere Society? Show your pride by adding our new badge to your site!         <div> <a href=”http://www.EverywhereSociety.com”><img src=”http://everywhereag.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Member.png” alt=”Everywhere Society Member” width=”200″ height=”126″ /></a> </div> If you have problems with the badge, please try downloading this file and using the code from it. Sometimes copy […]

5 Reasons I’m Excited for BlogHer Food 2014

Guess who will be attending BlogHer Food this upcoming weekend? THIS GAL! It’s my first blogger conference, so I will take any advice you can give me. In the mean time, I’ll share with you what I’m most excited for: All the diverse foodie bloggers I’ll meet from around the country. I am mostly looking […]

Brands Love Pets on April Fools’ Day

April Fools’: It’s the day that the internet loves to hate; but if a brand can create a funny, mesmerizing or ludicrous idea, they may just be able to go viral. Its implications? Brand recognition or loyalty, an increase in e-commerce sales or giving your brand a more human face…or as it turns out this […]