Everywhere welcomes Autumn Gilliam to the team!

We’re adding another season at Everywhere! My name is Autumn Gilliam, and I just joined the ladies of the Everywhere Agency team as an Account Manager. After traveling around the world and testing out a range of job positions and industries, I’m thrilled to learn and contribute to the dynamic world of social media and influencer marketing!

Autumn Gilliam

Autumn and her dad back in the day!

As an Army brat, I often find it hard to sit still, which is evident by my moves from North Carolina to Virginia, Ohio to NYC, back down to Washington DC, and now further south to Atlanta. Each move has allowed me to experience working in a new industry – from non-profit, education, fashion, and defense. I feel like I’ve done a little of everything. After all of that moving around I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to just sit still and plant some roots in Atlanta!

To keep it interesting here are 10 random things I’d like to share:

  1. One of my favorite quotes/mantras is, “My peace is non-negotiable.” When it comes down to it, I try to be intentional about making myself a priority. Don’t compromise the things needed to preserve your sanity! You have to decide that some things, no matter how profitable or attractive in appearance, are just not worth your time, energy, or peace.
  2. Some of the best career advice I’ve ever gotten was to find a mentor who you see yourself in early! My female mentors/role models have been instrumental in shaping and visualizing what success looks like for me.
  3. I LOVE chocolate! Men, desserts, people, universities, Labradors, the whole nine…

    Chocolate cake makes everything great!

  4. Contrary to popular assumption, I wasn’t born in autumn. I’m actually a Christmas Eve baby!
  5. I have Misophonia. Trust me, it’s a thing. Moist mouth noises are my kryptonite.
  6. I wish someone had stressed the value of internships to me while in college. Testing out career paths and industries while still in an academic environment is wildly beneficial to navigating life post graduation.
  7. I lived in Germany for about 4 years during elementary school and then again in high school. Unfortunately, I didn’t retain much of the language beyond ordering food and curse words.
  8. When faced with a writing assignment for work, like drafting a release, pitch, or story architecture, I always recommend doing three things: create an outline; brain dump, write like mad, and get it all on paper; walk away and revisit for edits later.
  9. I love words! I’m one of those people who pick up new words randomly and introduce them in common conversations with my friends. Word a Day is one of my favorite apps.
  10. While working in NYC, I was fortunate to be introduced to a lot of useful challenges, people, and brands. Sometimes career elevation and growth rely solely on what you’re exposed to. I got to work for large and small brands with varying needs – each project added another tool to my very fashionable Prada tool belt. 😉

Autumn Gilliam Goals

“That’s All” - Miranda Priestly

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