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At Everywhere, we like to say we are “player coaches.” We don’t just coach social media, we actually play the game as well. With many of our clients, much of our day is spent interacting with bloggers. We monitor social media conversations and join in as well. It’s one thing to join in as an outsider, it’s another thing to join as a fellow player in the game. All of our team-members are active bloggers. Genna Harris is a fashion blogger with a phenomenal blog site called 100 and South. This “Southern” girl blogs about all sorts of fashion finds to be had for $100 or less at

Erica Hartfield, our Digital Producer blogs about music and life experiences at her blog site Not only does she blog about music, she talks about music and has us all participating in #MusicMonday both on Twitter and in our office. Last week, our office #MusicMonday assignment was “songs with one word titles.” Erica keeps us on our musical toes!

Lauren Thomas, whom we affectionately call “wiki” for her command of facts and details about everything and everybody, has a rich blog site where she shares her thoughts on emerging trends in social media. Her blog can be found at

You’d think with a social media firm as active as ours, team-members could hardly find time to blog. Well, our lives are insanely busy for sure, but we’d hate for any one from our group to give up their blog and their gift for writing and sharing information about their passions.

So in our day to day, when we are doing blogger outreach, we can approach the bloggers we contact wisely and with authenticity since we’re bloggers ourselves. If we are going to reach out to a blogger, we take the time to read their blog and comment. We never send blanket pitch letters and we treat every blogger with respect, whether their readership is in the 100’s or the tens of thousands. In short, we love to coach blogging, but playing may be just as much fun!

  • find a coach Feb 14, 2011 Reply

    Given that we’re speaking about things within the region of Being a Player-Coach | Everywhere | Social Media Marketing and Content Development, It can be difficult to survive the ups and downs of life if you don’t have a solid foundation to build on. Many people wind up severely depressed or feeling lost, stressed out, or alone, and need to turn to someone else to help them recover.

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