Best Time to Blog Infographic

The Best Time to Blog & Three Tips on Better Business Blogging

In our social media trainings, our team is often asked, “When is the best time to blog?” or what best practices can you share on better business blogging?

Interestingly enough, we ran across this infographic by social media scientist Dan Zarrella at Hubspot, who spent three years collecting data about the science of timing and developed the following infographic on the best times to blog. We’ve included the infographic below — note that all times below are in Eastern Standard Time (ET).

In addition, here are three tips from Everywhere on better business blogging:

1. The mentality behind starting a business blog shouldn’t start with “if we build it, they will come.” When it comes to integrating blogging into your PR/marketing/social media plan, your business shouldn’t start a blog just so you can say you have a blog, there needs to be a strategy behind it and a measurable goal you can link your success back to.

For example, objectives might include increasing customer education and engagement by 20% by the year end. From here, outline blogging as your strategy and have several blog post topics to help represent your tactics. This not only will help you benchmark the social media success of your blog, but will help to show return on engagement (ROE) in reports.

2. A blog is NOT an advertising platform. If you’re looking to reach current or potential customers, think about the information they would be interested in reading — whether it’s industry news and trends, quick tips from one of your resident experts or newsworthy updates. Steer clear of marketing messaging, which may come across as spammy and a turn off for your readers. Also look to incorporate multimedia content, whether it’s a Youtube video, eye-catching pictures or even a QR code.

3. While you should always write for your audience, you can also increase search engine optimization (SEO) by developing a keyword strategy. Identify the key words relevant to your business and hyperlink these in your blog posts (also look for ways to hyperlink to past blog posts). Pay special attention to create easily searchable titles. I like to use the Google Keyword tool, but you can also set up Google Analytics on your blog to check out what people are searching to find your site.

Have a question about blogging for businesses or a tip to share? Chat with us in the comments section below.


What are the Best Times to Blog? By Dan Zarrella[Infographic] What are the Best Times to Blog? By Dan Zarrella


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