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How Brands are #Winning on Snapchat

How Brands are #Winning on Snapchat

Four Super Cool Reasons Why “Snapchatty” Brands are Causing Conversation and Boosting Visibility

As a social media coordinator, I look at likes, filters and social media icons all day long. As a millennial, all I want to do is be on Snapchat all day, and see what’s going on in the world. That little white ghost that used to just be a fun way to share photos or videos for a quick 10 seconds has become a major player in the social media game. From traveling the world through someone else’s lens, to marketing, or even sharing well-crafted photos, the QR coded ghost has opened endless doors and told fascinating stories.

As a Snapchat aficionado, there are several influencers I follow — in 10 second increments at a time – and their adventures are truly amazing! I’ve never climbed Mt. Everest or visited the pyramids in Cairo, Egypt, but I’ve witnessed it from the eyes of someone who has. I drank wine in Paris, floated on the Dead Sea, and rode in a car in India — all courtesy of my Snapchat tour guide.

Yes, Snapchat is my personal guilty pleasure, but I’m not oblivious to the fact that companies are taking notice of it’s popularity, and are now using it to “cause all this conversation” about their brands. From Taco Bell to Marriott Hotels, big brands such as these understand the marketing potential of Snapchat, and are willing to spend 500 percent more of its budget to reach its target audience. Not convinced? Here are four super cool reasons why big brands are merging its messaging in Snapchat, and winning:

  • It’s wide reaching. Did you know that 60 percent of Snapchat users are millennials? When this is the core audience for a brand, they know they can reach them using this platform. Hey…I’m a member of that group, and my interest is always piqued when some new trend pops up on my timeline. You’d better believe I’ll come back for more!
  • Pictures speak louder than words. Unlike IG, you’re not limited to one photo at a time, and you can even stream video in real time! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Marriott Hotels is one brand that’s using Snapchat to it’s fullest potential. The company hires millennial influencers to go to different locations, and use visual storytelling to engage its audience by showing how fun and inviting the hotels are. It has me already plotting my next sightseeing adventure!
  • Filter this. With fondness, I greatly recall the moment Snapchat released its first filters. People went nuts…including me! If you haven’t used the dog face filter or the flower crown, then you couldn’t possibly be a millennial. One fun brand fact to note about filters is that to date, Taco Bell has had the most successful Snapchat campaign in the platform’s history. For Cinco de Mayo 2016, the late-night food favorite developed a filter that turned the user’s face into a taco shell. The filter was active for only 24 hours, but was viewed 224 million times. That’s equivalent to 12 years of play time. I’ll say they smartly hit the ball out of the park by using a fun in-app effect to enhance its notoriety. Well played, Taco Bell. Well played.
  • Geotagging at its finest. Who doesn’t love a fab event? When brands are trying to directly touch it audience at a grassroots level, they often use events to make that connection. Imagine Snapchatters going to an event for your brand, and using a geotag to display their general location, possibly drawing their friends and followers to that exact location. Your brand has now reached more people. In the famous words of the Snapchat King, DJ Khaled, now that’s a “major key to success.”

Snapchat’s appeal is multifaceted, for brands and users alike. Whether it’s about taking a selfie or chronicling daily exploits, brands now know that Snapchat is more than a makeshift camera — it’s a brand booster. Companies are bolstering their use of the app for added popularity—and it’s a hit! Say what you’d like, but Snapchat is here to stay. It’s a serious player on the social media scene, and brands have either caught it, or better catch it before it gets too far ahead.

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