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COVID-19 + Influencers: How Creators are Responding to the Crisis

COVID-19 + Influencers: How Creators are Responding to the Crisis

It’s been over a month since COVID-19 brought the world to a standstill. People and businesses around the globe are unsure what the future will hold, and the million dollar question is: when life does go back to normal, what will “normal” even look like?

Marketing as a whole is suffering a similar shuttering to the country-wide lockdown with 69% of brands expecting a decrease in ad spend in 2020. Influencer marketing is also feeling the hit with many influencers losing income and projects as a result of postponed or cancelled campaigns. We wanted to know directly from the source how influencers have been affected by the virus, so we asked our own community of 5,500 of the nation’s leading influencers, Everywhere Society, what they thought. You may find their response surprising.

Naturally, influencers are concerned by the potential long term loss of income with sponsored posts, but by and large their response for the future was positive.

Influencers have, for the most part, remained optimistic, the current surge of social media usage and demand for content is higher than ever which means rising engagement rates and growing followings. So, sponsored or not, the influencers are continuing to do what they do best — create content that inspires. Here’s a few of our favorites pieces of influencer content that’s inspiring us amidst quarantine.

As the rest of the world is transitioning to a “work from home” lifestyle, many influencers are already #WFH experts.

These remote working spirit guides began sharing their tips on adjusting to a new, office-free lifestyle.

  • Blogger and #WFH expert Michelle Thames encourages us to stay connected, stay organized, and stay positive with 7 Tips To Work From Home Effectively on her blog Happily Ever Natural.
  • Personal Stylist and bi-lingual beauty expert, Patricia Soto shared tips on how to Avoid Back Pain from your WFH Situation on her blog Guapologa for the days we inevitably spend hunched over the computer.

There is such a thing as “positive distraction.”

Beyond just work, many people have flocked to influencer content to discover how to fill their new free time or distract them from the news — influencers have been sharing everything from favorite books, playlists, podcasts, movies, and binge-worthy TV.

DIY content is flourishing — tie-dyeing, painting, vision-boarding, hairstyling, and contouring have taken over IGTV and the feed.

Certainly, if you’ve spent any time on Instagram lately, you’ve noticed it’s flooded with comment threads of users sharing self-care tips and their favorite quarantine activity of the moment.

  • Ronni Eisenberg shared Insanely Easy 3 Ingredient Recipes on her blog for all of us newly self-proclaimed chefs.
  • For the nature lovers who are missing the outdoors, Sher Sg of Sher She Goes wrote a review of a hydroponic kit - an indoor garden, which is the perfect easy hobby to pick up in quarantine!

Perhaps, one of the greatest needs for content during this time has been for parents.

A workforce now home with children of all ages are in great need of guidance, support, and let’s face it, some commiseration on how to survive quarantine with kids and work. This uncharted territory is also leaving parents in a lurch when managing their kid’s expectations for having a birthday, high-school graduation, or other milestone event while on lockdown.

Without the ability to see friends and family in person, the world has turned to social media as their focal point for connection. Which means, eyes are on influencers now more than ever. When things fall apart, the influencer community has a way of banding together. It’s no surprise to us that creators have continued to be a light during dark times, and we believe they will continue to do so for a long time to come.

One Comment

  • Thank you SO much for including me in this post and I’m inspired by all the content that my fellow content creators are writing to help others during this time. We WILL get through this and I appreciate you highlighting the work we’re doing!


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