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Everywhere Agency Welcomes Summer Croom

Everywhere Agency Welcomes Summer Croom


I am Summer Croom, and I am so excited to be back in Atlanta at Everywhere Agency as a digital account coordinator! I was born and raised here in Atlanta, and followed in my Dad’s footsteps by recently graduating from THE Tennessee State University. I studied Integrated Marketing Communications and Political Science, and spent my final semester interning in Washington, D.C., in the Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser. I love social media, and I am so excited to put my passion to work. Below are 10 fun facts about me!

  1. I love driving and often wind down by driving long distances.
  2. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but will rewatch ‘90s Disney movies. My favorite movie is “Pocahontas.”
  3. I love YouTube makeup tutorials, but despite watching them for hours on end, I still can’t apply my own eyeliner.
  4. I am crazy about my younger brothers and have affectionately nicknamed them, “The Twin Terrors.” Trust me. They’ve earned it.
  5. I love historical fictional novels—usually the ones that include the fall of past queens and kings.
  6. I am super organized and cannot handle clutter, hence my color-coded closet.
  7. I love people and can talk to anyone, but I am definitely not a hugger and die a little inside when forced.
  8. I am obsessed with Harry Potter, and proudly profess to being a combination of Slytherin and Gryffindor at heart.
  9. I really want to have a huge family one day… like six kids, two dogs and a cat.
  10. I took Chinese for two years and can remember approximately two sentences.

I am so excited to be a part of the Everywhere Team and can’t wait to see what lies ahead! Feel free to reach out and say hello on Twitter at @_SummerShe.


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