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PIVOT! How technology and strong influencer relationships guarantee brand safety during tight timelines.

PIVOT! How technology and strong influencer relationships guarantee brand safety during tight timelines.

For those who are fans of the television show Friends you may recall the episode where the group is attempting to maneuver a couch up a narrow New York City apartment stairwell, wherein Ross, the owner of this new couch, annoyingly yells “PIVOT!” at every turn. At so many junctures in 2020, we’ve also found ourselves yelling “PIVOT!” ⏤ COVID-19, social unrest, and political tensions have made 2020 a year of starting, stopping, and shifting direction.

ross pivot gif

While there has been so much unsurety throughout this year, we’ve been able to count on spectacularly strong partnerships with clients like Georgia-Pacific, our network of influencers, Everywhere Society and our influencer campaign management software, CreatorIQ. Partnerships so strong, in fact, that we were able to launch an influencer campaign with Georgia-Pacific, in the height of the earliest COVID-19 pandemic hysteria and pull it off in just 72 hours.

When crisis strikes, technology and strong relationships come together.

We all remember when the pandemic first hit, toilet paper went flying off the shelves. People were hoarding the stuff for good measure and stores had to limit how many rolls you could buy on any given shopping trip. Our client Georgia-Pacific, maker of paper goods, increased their production levels to meet the demand, but also wanted to spread the message that “panic-buying” and hoarding of goods were the real reason toilet paper was missing in so many stores.

Enter: Everywhere Society.

Georgia-Pacific, having launched many campaigns with influencers from our network, came to us to see how influencers could spread the message that panic-buying is not the solution – to spare a square for your neighbor, if you will. And with more TP being sold every moment, timing was of the essence. Influencers needed to produce content FAST. Lucky for us, we had a trove of influencers who had worked with Georgia-Pacific in the past, willing to meet the tight turnaround. Because both our client, Georgia-Pacific and Everywhere Agency had devoted the time on earlier campaigns to build true relationships with these influencers, communication was seamless. We estimate that their familiarity with the brand alone led to us saving over 15 hours of campaign management time and produced engaging content.

Enter: CreatorIQ

Beyond relationships alone, features of CreatorIQ allowed us to guarantee these influencers were still brand-safe for Georgia-Pacific. Fraud checks, content approval, FTC monitoring, and authenticated metrics all lent to compliant content and accurate metrics. Having a single campaign management solution in CreatorIQ, meant Everywhere, GP, and the influencers could streamline communication, influencer sourcing, and approval of content in one platform. The power of this campaign also resulted in a case study from CreatorIQ ⏤ showcasing how strong partnerships and technology were essential to launch a successful campaign.

Gather your Friends and be ready to PIVOT!

While we managed to remain flexible throughout the onset of the pandemic, amongst so many other topics that crowded social media in 2020, it’s more important than ever to maintain strong relationships and be ready to be flexible at any moment. Our partnerships, without question, kept us strong these last few months and have us looking to the future singing, “I’ll Be There for You.”

p.s. In keeping with the Friends theme, while Joey doesn’t share food, we do share links! Check out some of the highlights of the campaign we launched for Georgia-Pacific.

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