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Six Instagram Feeds You Need In Your Life

Six Instagram Feeds You Need In Your Life

With 300 million monthly users, it’s no wonder that Instagram is widely known as “the place to be” for brands and influencers. Of those 300 million users, more than 75 million of them are active every single day. That’s a whole lot of #selfies!

Brands and influencers have contributed to Instagram evolving from just a selfie-sharing platform to a true home for creative expression and social marketing strategies. There are so many unique ways to share visuals on Instagram - from never-ending feeds to color coded stories to using videos in interesting ways, the possibilities are endless! As the ultimate Instagram connoisseur, here are six of my favorite Instafeeds right now:

1. @TheHungryGentleman

Kevin of @TheHungryGentleman has taken #FoodPorn to the next level. He’s had great success with his “overhead” photo style, and provides the most creative descriptions for each of his droolworthy meals. An added bonus is his notation of his “shoes du jour.”

2. @Starbucks

How do I love thee, Starbucks? Let me count the ways. Starbucks never runs out of ways to make their products look cool and delicious. They’ve mastered the art of the “staged, yet you still love it” photo. With a brand as recognizable as Starbucks, of course their Instapage is equally as legendary!

3. @LaurenConrad

Homegirl from “The Hills,” and bestie in my head, Lauren Conrad has graduated from partially scripted reality shows to her own lifestyle empire. One thing about this woman is certain, she sure knows how to carefully craft a consistent aesthetic. Take one look at her Instapage, and you can easily guess her favorite color (*hint: it’s pink.). I also love that she is so purposeful with her posts and her use of photographic filters.

4. @themilkshop_LA & @CaliforniaDonuts

I know…I’m cheating, but I couldn’t pick just one! A quick peek at these two Instafeeds and you’ll know why. Even though both dessert shops are based in California, they simultaneously stimulate my sweet tooth and make me want to book a flight to LA just to experience their treats in person! I’d say that’s a job well done for an Instagram page.

5. @ReynoldsKitchens

Are you sensing a theme here? Food is the way to my heart and entrance into my personal Instagram Hall of Fame. Photographing food is an art form that Reynolds Kitchen has mastered with their “Endless Table!” We’ve all seen the mosaic-style photos where an account uploads multiple photos to make one large image. Well, Reynolds Kitchens takes this idea and perfects it in their entire feed, crafting a never-ending dinner table. Are you as impressed as I am?

6. @RachelRyle

Rachel Ryle - illustrator, animator, and storyteller, has a positively captivating Instapage. Wander onto her feed, and you’ll find yourself watching her insanely creative videos for hours. After discovering her Instagram, I suddenly wished I could draw! Rachel’s page shows that video is just as engaging as photos on the platform.

There are infinite ways to use Instagram to tell stories (and sell things – after all, we are marketers), and these six pages show us the “hows” and the “whys.” Each developed a strategy comparable to their individual personalities and allowed their creativity to shine through with appealing posts that connected to their core audience. Take a peek at their feeds, and let me know what you think. They won me over, and I’m sure you’ll be just as fascinated as I am!

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