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Society Spotlight: Andrew Tiu

Society Spotlight: Andrew Tiu

Andrew Tiu is the rookie dad who’s killing the game with The Tiu Review. Equipped with a passion for film and video, Andrew is a YouTuber who, in tandem with his wife Katie, covers a wide range of topics related to family life, fatherhood, and good old-fashioned life hacks. Together, they are the proud parents of a baby boy and business partners in the video production and motion design studio they launched after they both quit their jobs earlier this year. Yeah, they’re pretty cool.

Society Spotlight Questionnaire

  1. What’s on your bedside table at this very moment? I’ve got two unfinished bottles of formula the baby left over, a sexy lamp from Target (got it on sale #humblebrag), and an iPhone.
  2. What are you reading these days? I’m currently in between several video data analytics and search optimization strategy guides at the moment. Reppin’ the nerd life.
  3. Your current jam is: “Kaleidoscope” by Fenech-Solar
  4. Tell us about your most epic childhood birthday party. My seventh birthday takes the cake. I spent the day at the now defunct Discovery Zone, raking in tickets for prizes, and I almost got to kiss Nikki Albano.
  5. Who’s your spirit animal? I’ll give you two.
    Who: Dunder Mifflin Regional Manager, Michael Scott
    What: According to a random online test, it said I was a turtle. So, yeah.
  6. Okay then, so who’s your doppelganger? According to BuzzFeed, it’s Nev Schulman. I’m not buying that, but I’ll take it.
  7. If you had to describe your personality with a cocktail what would it be? Why? I don’t drink, but I’ll take a stab at this. I’m just going to go with a Blue Lagoon simply because it’s blue. I’ll eat or drink anything blue.
  8. The one product you absolutely cannot live without is: Central air conditioning!
  9. Confession time: Who was your first celeb crush? Kate Winslet in her prime. (Titanic was her prime.)
  10. What was your first concert? How was it? I didn’t go to concerts growing up. The first performance I saw happened accidentally. I was standing by a stage during a business event, and John Legend just showed up next to me. Then Bruno Mars came out and did his thing. The best part of that was that it was free.
  11. What would people be most surprised to know about you? I was terribly overweight when I was younger and I was terribly criticized for it.
  12. Who’s your ultimate blogspiration? Being a YouTuber, Marques Brownlee and Casey Neistat always have my attention.
  13. Top 3 pet peeves in life: Folks who are content with watching non-HD videos, slow Wi-Fi, and lazy people
  14. What’s your number one blogging/content creation tip? Before any project begins, I have to start with good music. I find a new song to vibe on and work to. That sets the tone for everything.
  15. We love working with you and hope you feel the same about us. What’s been your fave Everywhere campaign to be a part of? I’ve only been a part of one campaign so far. It was the Big Changes, Little Baby one with Carters, and it was a pleasure.
  16. Show off time! Provide a link to your most popular blog or social post!

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