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Society Spotlight: Joni Lay

Society Spotlight: Joni Lay

Joni Lay is a Georgia peach with a knack for creating colorful, well-organized spaces. She showcases both her design skills and parental wisdom of raising three girls on her blog Lay Baby Lay, which she launched in 2011 after giving birth to her eldest.

Society Spotlight Questionnaire

What’s on your bedside table at this very moment?

An assortment of books (including Harry Potter), my favorite hot pink bobby pins, and my marble and copper reading lamp.

What are you reading these days?

I’m always reading Harry Potter – it’s my go to – and reading a chapter at night is my favorite way to wind down at the end of the day.

Tell us about your most epic childhood birthday party.

I honestly don’t recall having super large parties, but my grandmother would make me a special birthday cake every year for my birthday.

One year, she made me a really beautiful Rainbow Brite cake, and she would let me choose which piece I wanted. I wanted Rainbow Brite’s face, so she carefully cut it out and gave it to me. I don’t know why that stands out in such a big way, but it was an absurd request on my part, and she did it for me!

If you had to describe your personality with a cocktail, what would it be? Why?

Well, this isn’t a cocktail, but I LOVE tea. Iced tea, hot tea, love it all. Especially when it’s super strong with a bit of sugar. I’m from South Georgia, so it’s what I was raised on, and it’s my go-to indulgence on long afternoons with the kids. So anyway, maybe I’m strong and sweet?

What was your first concert? How was it?

I went to see Kris Kristofferson with my dad when I was very tiny. I just remember thinking it was pretty awesome to get to experience that with him!

Who’s your doppelganger?

Oh, goodness – I’m not sure! I can say that I love Zooey Deschanel. I love her quirky, vintage style, and we have similar hair. So, not that I look like her, but I have been inspired by her.

What would people be most surprised to know about you?

I’m an introvert. I need some time alone every day to recharge and get inspired. It’s really challenging to find that with little ones who constantly need attention, but I’ve found I’m a much better person/mother when I can make it happen!

Who’s your ultimate blogspiration?

Emily Henderson. Love her.

So, you’ve got writer’s block. Tried and true trick for getting over it?

Going vintage shopping or thrifting by myself.

Top 3 pet peeves in life:

Negativity (I’m an eternal optimist), having to stop to fill up my car with gas, and background noise (like leaving the TV on) that isn’t necessary.

What’s your number one blogging/content creation tip?

Be you. It’s also a good idea to follow other bloggers/influencers in different categories, rather than only follow those who do similar things to what you do. It will keep you from comparing yourself to others too much and hopefully help you be original since you won’t have as much content from your peers in your head.

We love working with you and hope you feel the same about us. What’s been your fave Everywhere campaign to be a part of?

Definitely my laundry room project with Tarkett! It’s my new happy place and has made my life so much easier!

Show off time! Let’s see your most popular blog or social post!

Honestly, everyone loves my laundry room! But this room is also a big fave among my readers and Pinterest.

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