When it comes to our designer, Everywhere thought, where does one find a designer, coder, strategic thinker, builder and artist all in one?

Then we met Brian. Simply put, Brian might be the most interesting guy you’ll ever meet. Example: His current medium involves creating life-sized sculptures blending taxidermy with surrealism. We don’t really even know what that means, but man it sounds pretty cool.

Brian’s love of comics and graphic novels led him to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, where he received his degree in Visual communications in 1996. After graduating, he moved to Atlanta and began creating comic books of his own. Brian spent nine years working at Hothead Studios in-house design department translating his artistic talents into brand initiatives and refining his skills before deciding to forge his own path.

Brian’s works have been displayed in numerous galleries in Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York City. Brian’s body of work is as diverse as his contributions to Everywhere. He works to visually communicate on behalf of our clients everything from graphics, website development to building Facebook Apps and promotions. Occasionally, he also schools us on the finer qualities of the World of Warcraft. The guys a maverick, what can we say?