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AGCO Farming for the Future



Campaign Goal

Niche Markets + Brand Awareness

*Metrics represent secondary results of influencer content brought on by additional likes, shares, and comments from followers.
Unique Viewers


AGCO sought to increase brand awareness by reaching the next crop of up-and-coming farmers through the use of influencer marketing. AGCO needed to connect with the millennial farmer who would either carry on their family’s commitment to AGCO brands or could change perceptions to create new lifelong customers. We were tasked with finding a very unique group of influencers who could tell the brand story with authenticity and authority.


Everywhere Agency did an extensive organic outreach campaign to find these “needle in a haystack” influencers who could speak to life on the farm and the equipment that they choose to use. We gave the influencers broad parameters for the storyline of their posts to allow them to tailor their message to their experience and audience. Many focused on the importance of farming as a part of their family heritage and their experience with AGCO equipment. To add a touch of millennial humor, we asked those who felt it aligned with their brand, to pose in a parody picture of the “Salt Bae” meme entitled “Seed Bae.”


Influencers promoted their blog content through social media shares, tapping into a highly engaged community of people with a preexisting interest in farming and agriculture. The reach of the campaign and audience engagement was bolstered by using a stipend to boost their posts on their highest performing social media channels. Overall, the result was a resounding success with 5 blog posts and 42 social shares that were seen by nearly 250K unique viewers creating a total of 2+ million impressions.

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