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OshKosh B’gosh #BreakForSpring


OshKosh B’gosh

Campaign Goal

Increase Sales

*Metrics represent secondary results of influencer content brought on by additional likes, shares, and comments from followers.
ROI Dollar for Dollar


Every year when parents begin packing for spring break, they open their kids’ wardrobes and notice the clothes that once fit no longer do! In order to capitalize on this pivotal shopping time for parents of toddlers, Everywhere created a campaign driven by user generated content to increase brand awareness for OshKosh while showcasing their latest styles.


We secured 75 bloggers to write stories of planning and packing for spring break, share the coupon code, and conduct a giveaway on their page, while sharing professional-looking photography featuring their children wearing awesome OshKosh styles.


With more than 525 photos of stylish kids wearing OshKosh spring outfits that the brand was able to utilize on their social channels, 740+ social posts, and more than 15,000 engagements, #BreakForSpring generated 42+ million impressions. Our efforts were responsible for generating an 8,000% return on investment as a result of the coupon code going viral during the campaign.

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