Society Spotlight: Danielle Lucia Schaffer

With four children under the age of ten in tow, Danielle Lucia Schaffer is a boisterous, blonde, Italian ‘mombshell’ hailing from New York City who tells it like it is. Wife to San Diego’s first green dentist, this mom makes the juggle and struggle of mommyhood seem effortless. Her blog, City Girl Gone Mom, aims to entertain, educate, and inspire by sharing tips through her parenting wins – and occasional fails.

Taking her momager role quite seriously, Danielle guides her tribe through a healthy, active life, capturing some of their greatest moments on and off camera. Danielle is fun, fearless, and would stop at nothing to protect the Schaffer Six. No offense to her husband, but she rules her roost and has plenty of wisdom and wit to share with fellow superstar moms. She also has a column on the TODAY Parenting team!

Danielle Schaffer City Girl Gone Mom


Society Spotlight Quiz

  1. What are you reading these days? “This Little Piggy Went To Prada” …I am four deep into kids and nursery rhymes with a twist is all I got!
  2. Tell us about your most epic childhood birthday party. When we all dressed up like Michael Jackson and tried to reenact “Thriller.” Got to love the 80’s. Such a great era to be a kid in! I still listen to the music!
  3. Who’s your spirit animal? Sienna Miller. I just love that chick’s style, but if I really had to pick an animal, it would be a horse – I am like a stallion kicking in its corral!
  4. Okay then, so who’s your doppelganger? Drea de Matteo and Carolyn Bessette
  5. If you were a cocktail, what would you be? A white wine spritzer… One of my favorite drinks – classy, cool and crisp!
  6. The one product you absolutely cannot live without is: Bobbi Brown Tinted Moisturizing Balm (a necessity)
  7. Shout-out to your bloggy BFF! I really like @Mommy.Diary. She’s a sweetie!
  8. Confession time: Who was your first celeb crush? Brad Pitt. I dreamt he married me. I still remember the dream. He was a keeper!
  9. What was your first concert? How was it? Apparently, my hippie mom took me to a Bob Segar Concert front row when I was 2, and he put me on stage with him! Where was the iPhone when we needed it?
  10. Who’s your ultimate blogspiration? Cupcakes and Cashmere. I simply adore her!
  11. So, you’ve got writer’s block. Tried and true trick for getting over it? Wine and reading something I haven’t read. For me… I love US Weekly! Celebrity lives inspire me. Hahah.
  12. Top 3 pet peeves in life: Being the last one up to lock down the house, being late or people being late, and people showing up exactly on time to work. Show up five minutes early! I am a tough one!
  13. What’s your number one blogging/content creation tip? Growing your tribe and getting out of the car this school year.
  14. We love working with you and hope you feel the same about us. What’s been your fave Everywhere campaign to be a part of? I really love this last one I did for you guys with OshKosh b’Gosh, Styling the kids for the holidays. It was a labor of love! It was so hard to get my boys to smile for me, but the images came out great!




So You Wanna Work In Social Media…

Do you check Twitter in the morning before you check the weather? Is the last thing you do before bed to catch up on Instagram? Obviously, you should pursue a social media career, right? Not so fast! With each graduating class of collegiate students it seems there are more and more young professionals with dreams of a career in social media marketing. While working in the social industry is incredibly fun and rewarding, there are a few things you don’t usually learn until you get into the nitty-gritty of the work. Here’s what to keep in mind when deciding to dive into the world of being a social media professional.

Networking is everything

See also: Internships.

Simply using social media in your personal life won’t get you that dream job. Internships, like our program at Everywhere Agency, allow you to get a glimpse at all the intense, behind-the-scenes work that goes into that Instagram post you liked, the Facebook post you shared, and that hashtag that’s everywhere all of a sudden.

Be sure to have a few internships under your belt to see which niche is most interesting to you and what area of social media you’d excel at. During these internships, build your web of connections by networking as much as possible. Take initiative by researching networking events and conferences to attend. Finding an internship that supports widening your network is even better. Don’t just collect business cards – keep in touch!

One more #protip: make sure your LinkedIn is up to date and your social profiles are cleaned up. Hiring managers are absolutely stalking you before an interview.

It takes time

See also: Social media never sleeps.

One huge difference from working in social media compared to other fields is that social media is 24/7. Be prepared to be expected to respond to Tweets or Instagram comments – even on the weekends. But let’s be real, you’re already checking those anyway. While it is a time consuming profession that doesn’t always have clearly defined 9-5 hours, it’s also a majorly rewarding profession. The perks are great, the work is creative, and you get a chance to let your personality shine. (It is SOCIAL media after all.)

Writing is crucial

See also: Yes, you still need to put pen to paper.

While writing for social is very different from writing a press release, it’s still vital that you are a phenomenal writer. Working in social media means you are creating content, and while social media allows you to write in a casual style, you still need to know how to assemble multiple thoughts in a cohesive manner, love and practice the rules of grammar, and be able to spell.

Putting words together in a creative yet digestible way is also extremely important. One day you may be writing LinkedIn copy for a mature, professional brand and the next you could be using “Mean Girls” references in an Instagram post. Each brand voice is different, messaging goals vary, and both can change depending on what social channel or platform you’re posting to.

But don’t get it twisted, long-form writing is super important too – blog posts for example. 😉 Being able to switch between a formal and informal communication style is invaluable. So while much of your day may be consumed with status updates, you still have to know how to craft a good narrative.

It’s not about you

See also: Client relations matter.

One thing that’s incredibly hard to learn in a classroom is how to build client relationships. Straddling the line of friendly and professional can be challenging. Working in social media means you are responding to a client’s demands and working within their timeline – not yours. Your number one job is to make your client’s job easier. The ultimate way to keep everyone happy? Deliver desired results and become a badass problem solver! There’s nothing we love more than creating friendships with our clients based on trust and great work.

Learning never ends

See also: The continued education is real.

In social media, the landscape is constantly changing. You never know when a new social network is going to be the “must have” app. In times like those, you’ve got to jump on it, learn what you can, and advise your clients on if it’s a good fit for them and their goals. Contrary to popular belief, clients don’t need to be on every single social platform, and each app isn’t always the next big thing.

When new user interfaces come out, it’s your job to know their ins and outs. When new algorithms are released and new data metrics become the norm, it’s your job to be able to demystify those key ideals. The good news is there are tons of courses and workshops to keep you in tip top shape.

Us cool kids in the social media world LOVE what we do, but if this is a career path you’re considering, be sure to really take a look at what goes into becoming a successful digital marketer. (I’ll give you a hint: a healthy dose of passion and a commitment to finding solutions for your clients.)

National Dog Day Autotrader Event

Brands’ Best Friend: Pet Influencers Welcome

Everywhere Agency knows that one of the quickest ways to likeable social content is to “Put on a dog on it!” We are canine enthusiasts, bringing our fur buddies to work regularly, ugly crying over dog rescue videos, and supporting pet adoption. Being both social media experts and animal lovers we’ve been following the trend of pet influencers for quite some time, and even way back in 2014, The Telegraph reported that 1 in 4 cats and dogs had their very own social media accounts. As of last week, we took our puppy love and social savvy to the next level. We have officially welcomed our first four-legged member to Everywhere Society, our in-house influencer network. Meet Indy the Goldendoodle.

pet influencer indy the goldendoodleOur dive into dog talent was inspired by our client, Autotrader. Everywhere was engaged to help produce #ParkandBark, an event celebrating National Dog Day. Autotrader used the event to educate dog owners about the best pet-friendly cars and accessories. Hundreds of dog guests enjoyed free treats, received swag prizes, and played in the costume photo booth. Pet experts schooled the crowd in dog CPR, the art of doggy massage (Shi-A-Tzu… Get it?), and puppies in need were available for adoption.

Everywhere also took this opportunity to reach out to a few A-list Instagram influencers, including Indy the Goldendoodle and Sparkles the Diva.

So why are brands so eager to add some canine appeal? It could have something to do with the fact that this year pet owners are projected to spend $62 billion dollars on their furry friends, according to the American Pet Products Association. Not to mention the added bonus that brand reputations are rarely ruined by the actions of a Yorkshire Terrier. Dogs breed happiness, with pups like ChloeKardoggian slinging products for Clorox and Boo the Pomeranian working as a liaison for Virgin Airlines, it’s hard to think of a brand that wouldn’t benefit from pup-endorsement.

If you know a great pet influencer looking for amazing brands, be sure to tell them to apply to Everywhere Society. Also, we will be attending BarkWorld, the premiere pet blogging conference, this October. If you’ll be there too, give us a woof because when it comes to pets and brands - we think this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

How To Use Snapchat: Snapchat 101

Snapchat has had a quick rise to prominence in the social media world. As of 2015, it has 100 million daily active users, with 18% of all US social media users using the platform (DMR 2015). And of course, if you’re looking to target millennials or Gen Z – the latest and youngest generation to catch the attention of marketers – this is where they’re flocking.

At Everywhere Agency, we know millennials are coming into their own and increasingly gaining purchasing power. Brand representatives now want to know more about the platforms where they spend most of their time. That’s where we come in – one of our offerings is training companies and C-suite executives about the newest forms of media. In our latest round of trainings, we tackled the art of Snapchat!

Here’s “Snapchat 101,” or a basic step-by-step guide of how to use Snapchat in less than 15 minutes.

Have any questions about how to use Snapchat? How about influencer marketing and Snapchat? Interested in social media trainings? Send me an email at!

Everywhere Agency has worked with Cox Communications, the High Museum of Atlanta, Georgia Public Broadcasting, and more on social media trainings and influencer marketing. To see more about our current and previous clients, visit our case studies and clients page. To request a meeting or talk about our latest capabilities deck, please contact us.

Rise of Influencer Marketing on Snapchat

The Rise of Influencer Marketing on Snapchat

Rise of Influencer Marketing on Snapchat

There’s no doubting that Snapchat is the new darling of the social media world. With 150 million people using the app daily, the little ghost is here to stay. When Instagram and Twitter were in their early years, the common refrain was, “But how will they make money?” Snapchat, a baby at just four years old, built in the advertising model from the beginning. Snapchat’s CEO, Evan Spiegel showed up at Cannes Lion this year to woo all the top ad execs and let them in on the little secret of the launch of their new API. The API means more money for this wildly popular app since its ads will now be sold by third parties.

Now that advertisers can jump on board, the next obvious question becomes, “How does Snapchat figure into influencer marketing?” My answer? Simply, seamlessly and superbly.

I’ll accommodate any brands daring enough to integrate a Snapchat play into an influencer marketing campaign. Sure, measurement is a challenge, but influencers can report on number of views and screenshots.

I said it fits in “simply” because the easiest way to use Snapchat on a campaign is to simply encourage your influencer to use Snapchat to tell the brand story. The best influencer marketing campaigns (and the kinds we practice at Everywhere) are very organic and non-advertisey. Because we engage influencers to tell a story on behalf of our brands in intuitive ways, using Snapchat is a natural for that.

Marketing a new beverage? Give an influencer a can or bottle and have them weave it into a Snapchat story. Featuring a new product, say a power tool? I see a Snapchat story that features a day in the life of that power tool.

So let’s assume that asking your influencers to weave Snapchat into their social shares is pretty basic social media, like Social Media 101. If you want to move to graduate level social media, I’d engage an influencer to do a Snapchat Takeover. A takeover is when you hand over your Snapchat account to a mega influencer and let them tell a series of stories on your behalf. Sour Patch Kids did it with uber popular Vine star Logan Paul. He spent five days running around New York City sharing his prankster antics with two life-sized costumed Sour Patch characters. In one short week, Sour Patch kids scored 120,000 new Snapchat followers and nearly 7 million impressions.

Handing over the keys to your Snapchat channel to a complete stranger may sound terrifying, but the trick is to find the “right” influencer, someone whose very essence emulates that of your brand. Logan Paul worked for Sour Patch kids because he’s kind of wacky, and he appeals to teens, their target demographic.

At our agency, we can’t wait for brands to say, “Snapchat and influencers? Bring it on!” In the last year, we’ve seen more and more influencers in our network, Everywhere Society, grow their following and their storytelling ability. The story is still being written on the power of influencer marketing. Why not write it with Snapchat?

And, if you’re so inclined, follow Everywhere Agency on Snapchat using our Snapcode above or our username BeEverywhere.



Six Instagram Feeds You Need In Your Life

With 300 million monthly users, it’s no wonder that Instagram is widely known as “the place to be” for brands and influencers. Of those 300 million users, more than 75 million of them are active every single day. That’s a whole lot of #selfies!

Brands and influencers have contributed to Instagram evolving from just a selfie-sharing platform to a true home for creative expression and social marketing strategies. There are so many unique ways to share visuals on Instagram - from never-ending feeds to color coded stories to using videos in interesting ways, the possibilities are endless! As the ultimate Instagram connoisseur, here are six of my favorite Instafeeds right now:

1. @TheHungryGentleman

Kevin of @TheHungryGentleman has taken #FoodPorn to the next level. He’s had great success with his “overhead” photo style, and provides the most creative descriptions for each of his droolworthy meals. An added bonus is his notation of his “shoes du jour.”

Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 10.13.06 AM

2. @Starbucks

How do I love thee, Starbucks? Let me count the ways. Starbucks never runs out of ways to make their products look cool and delicious. They’ve mastered the art of the “staged, yet you still love it” photo. With a brand as recognizable as Starbucks, of course their Instapage is equally as legendary!

3. @LaurenConrad

Homegirl from “The Hills,” and bestie in my head, Lauren Conrad has graduated from partially scripted reality shows to her own lifestyle empire. One thing about this woman is certain, she sure knows how to carefully craft a consistent aesthetic. Take one look at her Instapage, and you can easily guess her favorite color (*hint: it’s pink.). I also love that she is so purposeful with her posts and her use of photographic filters.

4. @themilkshop_LA & @CaliforniaDonuts

I know…I’m cheating, but I couldn’t pick just one! A quick peek at these two Instafeeds and you’ll know why. Even though both dessert shops are based in California, they simultaneously stimulate my sweet tooth and make me want to book a flight to LA just to experience their treats in person! I’d say that’s a job well done for an Instagram page.

5. @ReynoldsKitchens

Are you sensing a theme here? Food is the way to my heart and entrance into my personal Instagram Hall of Fame. Photographing food is an art form that Reynolds Kitchen has mastered with their “Endless Table!” We’ve all seen the mosaic-style photos where an account uploads multiple photos to make one large image. Well, Reynolds Kitchens takes this idea and perfects it in their entire feed, crafting a never-ending dinner table. Are you as impressed as I am?

6. @RachelRyle

Rachel Ryle - illustrator, animator, and storyteller, has a positively captivating Instapage. Wander onto her feed, and you’ll find yourself watching her insanely creative videos for hours. After discovering her Instagram, I suddenly wished I could draw! Rachel’s page shows that video is just as engaging as photos on the platform.

There are infinite ways to use Instagram to tell stories (and sell things – after all, we are marketers), and these six pages show us the “hows” and the “whys.” Each developed a strategy comparable to their individual personalities and allowed their creativity to shine through with appealing posts that connected to their core audience. Take a peek at their feeds, and let me know what you think. They won me over, and I’m sure you’ll be just as fascinated as I am!

Everywhere Agency Welcomes Summer Croom


I am Summer Croom, and I am so excited to be back in Atlanta at Everywhere Agency as a digital account coordinator! I was born and raised here in Atlanta, and followed in my Dad’s footsteps by recently graduating from THE Tennessee State University. I studied Integrated Marketing Communications and Political Science, and spent my final semester interning in Washington, D.C., in the Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser. I love social media, and I am so excited to put my passion to work. Below are 10 fun facts about me!

  1. I love driving and often wind down by driving long distances.
  2. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but will rewatch ‘90s Disney movies. My favorite movie is “Pocahontas.”
  3. I love YouTube makeup tutorials, but despite watching them for hours on end, I still can’t apply my own eyeliner.
  4. I am crazy about my younger brothers and have affectionately nicknamed them, “The Twin Terrors.” Trust me. They’ve earned it.
  5. I love historical fictional novels—usually the ones that include the fall of past queens and kings.
  6. I am super organized and cannot handle clutter, hence my color-coded closet.
  7. I love people and can talk to anyone, but I am definitely not a hugger and die a little inside when forced.
  8. I am obsessed with Harry Potter, and proudly profess to being a combination of Slytherin and Gryffindor at heart.
  9. I really want to have a huge family one day… like six kids, two dogs and a cat.
  10. I took Chinese for two years and can remember approximately two sentences.

I am so excited to be a part of the Everywhere Team and can’t wait to see what lies ahead! Feel free to reach out and say hello on Twitter at @_SummerShe.


How Brands are #Winning on Snapchat

Four Super Cool Reasons Why “Snapchatty” Brands are Causing Conversation and Boosting Visibility

As a social media coordinator, I look at likes, filters and social media icons all day long. As a millennial, all I want to do is be on Snapchat all day, and see what’s going on in the world. That little white ghost that used to just be a fun way to share photos or videos for a quick 10 seconds has become a major player in the social media game. From traveling the world through someone else’s lens, to marketing, or even sharing well-crafted photos, the QR coded ghost has opened endless doors and told fascinating stories.

As a Snapchat aficionado, there are several influencers I follow — in 10 second increments at a time – and their adventures are truly amazing! I’ve never climbed Mt. Everest or visited the pyramids in Cairo, Egypt, but I’ve witnessed it from the eyes of someone who has. I drank wine in Paris, floated on the Dead Sea, and rode in a car in India — all courtesy of my Snapchat tour guide.

Yes, Snapchat is my personal guilty pleasure, but I’m not oblivious to the fact that companies are taking notice of it’s popularity, and are now using it to “cause all this conversation” about their brands. From Taco Bell to Marriott Hotels, big brands such as these understand the marketing potential of Snapchat, and are willing to spend 500 percent more of its budget to reach its target audience. Not convinced? Here are four super cool reasons why big brands are merging its messaging in Snapchat, and winning:

  • It’s wide reaching. Did you know that 60 percent of Snapchat users are millennials? When this is the core audience for a brand, they know they can reach them using this platform. Hey…I’m a member of that group, and my interest is always piqued when some new trend pops up on my timeline. You’d better believe I’ll come back for more!
  • Pictures speak louder than words. Unlike IG, you’re not limited to one photo at a time, and you can even stream video in real time! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Marriott Hotels is one brand that’s using Snapchat to it’s fullest potential. The company hires millennial influencers to go to different locations, and use visual storytelling to engage its audience by showing how fun and inviting the hotels are. It has me already plotting my next sightseeing adventure!
  • Filter this. With fondness, I greatly recall the moment Snapchat released its first filters. People went nuts…including me! If you haven’t used the dog face filter or the flower crown, then you couldn’t possibly be a millennial. One fun brand fact to note about filters is that to date, Taco Bell has had the most successful Snapchat campaign in the platform’s history. For Cinco de Mayo 2016, the late-night food favorite developed a filter that turned the user’s face into a taco shell. The filter was active for only 24 hours, but was viewed 224 million times. That’s equivalent to 12 years of play time. I’ll say they smartly hit the ball out of the park by using a fun in-app effect to enhance its notoriety. Well played, Taco Bell. Well played.
  • Geotagging at its finest. Who doesn’t love a fab event? When brands are trying to directly touch it audience at a grassroots level, they often use events to make that connection. Imagine Snapchatters going to an event for your brand, and using a geotag to display their general location, possibly drawing their friends and followers to that exact location. Your brand has now reached more people. In the famous words of the Snapchat King, DJ Khaled, now that’s a “major key to success.”

Snapchat’s appeal is multifaceted, for brands and users alike. Whether it’s about taking a selfie or chronicling daily exploits, brands now know that Snapchat is more than a makeshift camera — it’s a brand booster. Companies are bolstering their use of the app for added popularity—and it’s a hit! Say what you’d like, but Snapchat is here to stay. It’s a serious player on the social media scene, and brands have either caught it, or better catch it before it gets too far ahead.

resolutions, social media, social media resolutions, new years, 2014

Everywhere Agency Welcomes Back Kelly Dye

Greetings! My name is Kelly Dye, formerly known as Kelly Heisler. If something about this intro seems eerily familiar, that is because I am an Everywhere OG, or so the younger millennials tell me. I worked at Everywhere from 2011 until 2014 as a Senior Digital Strategist with clients such as Heart of Haiti, IMAX, Novelis and Cox Communications. I left the hallowed halls of Everywhere to explore the world, namely South Korea, to teach Business English to adults for a year. Afterwards, I took the opportunity to eat my way around Europe and elope on the beautiful beaches of Croatia.

Since returning stateside, I’ve been working as a Digital Project Manager for a local digital agency managing paid media, CRO and design/development initiatives for a large, national corporation. However, luck and good timing intervened to let me know there was still a place for me at Everywhere. I am so excited to (re)join this dynamic and brilliant group of women as a Senior Account Manager working with some of the best clients in the business.

As a marketer, I know only about half of you read those first few paragraphs. For this, I applaud you. For the rest of you, here is the list version of life:

  1. I grew up in Florida, which is great because my state produced magical things such as Publix subs, most episodes of COPS and Florida Man on Twitter.
  1. The love of my life (besides my husband) is my pug, Tini. She is 12 years old but doesn’t look a day over 400.

  1. My go-to karaoke song is “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend.”
  1. I met my husband at a bar named Church, and we got “married” on a napkin the first night we met.

  1. I convinced Everywhere OG, Britton, to let me live in her basement by making a Powerpoint on why I would be “The Best Tenant Ever.” The Powerpoint is only about 30 percent true.
  1. I spent my youth dressed as a drag queen, sporting a healthy mullet and entertaining my delusions of becoming a singing veterinarian.

  1. My favorite thing on the Internet is this Instagram account where dogs are bathed and blow-dried in slow-motion to an epic soundtrack.
  1. I am the youngest of five, which is why I eat quickly and hunched over like Gollum protecting his “precious.”
  1. I like to watch Netflix until it inquires if I’m okay. My current addictions are “Vikings,” “Game of Thrones” and “Bob’s Burgers.”
  1. My most memorable moment from living in Korea was being tricked into dancing for a stadium full of Zen masters for Buddha’s birthday only an hour after learning the routine. SPOILER: I was not born graceful.

Feel free to say hi to me on Twitter @KellyDyeATL or follow me on Instagram @kell_bell1984.

Everywhere Agency Wins an AMY Award

We are thrilled to have been recognized by the Atlanta chapter of the American Marketing Association during the 2016 Atlanta Marketer of the Year (AMY) Awards. Known for rewarding companies for innovative strategies and memorable campaigns that produced stellar results, we’re honored to be in such awesome company!

Everywhere Agency was a 2016 AMY Award finalist in two categories – “Integrated Marketing Campaign – General Market B2B” for our work with Domain.ME on influencer marketing and conference sponsorship, and “Social Media Campaign – Company Revenue > $1 Billion” for our influencer marketing activations and Twitter chats for the Macy’s Supermodel Emme campaign. We took the AMY Award home for our work with Macy’s and Emme.

We are incredibly proud of our team members who contributed to these campaigns. Our AMY Award winning work with Macy’s and supermodel Emme was absolutely award worthy, if we do say so ourselves. We integrated plus-size fashion influencers into runway shows, hosted several Twitter chats to promote the events, and spread awareness of Macy’s plus-sized department. Along the way, we engaged the plus sized community and encouraged a conversation around body positivity. With Domain.ME, we worked on a host of influencer campaigns throughout 2015, and had killer activations at 7 different blogging conferences on their behalf.

We are incredibly thankful to our clients Domain.ME and Macy’s for giving us the opportunity to show the community what a nimble agency like ours can do.