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In a recent staff meeting, several of our team members discussed their bedtime reading materials - ranging from religious scriptures to gossip blogs to informational publications. Everyone agreed that they would like to read team building materials as well as more books that are specific to trends in general marketing and business. The idea was introduced that we start an Everywhere Book Club and surprisingly, we all AGREED!

Each month, someone will choose a different book for our entire staff to read. We will go thru the book together, reading at our own paces, but reconvening each staff meeting to discuss what we learned in our assigned reading. Our first book, The Energy Bus, was picked by Tamara and is an international best seller. The tagline for the book states that it includes “10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy.”

I’m excited to read the book and learn the importance of positive energy in my life as well as how it affects other parts of my life - including my work and the way I work with others. Please accept this invitation to join us in reading and discussing The Energy Bus over the course of the next four weeks. We’ll be sharing our thoughts and takeaways from @beeverywhere and we’d love to hear your feedback along the way. So grab your copy and let’s dig in! Discussions begin on Monday 3/21!

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