Atlanta Snow Storm

“Go Home. This City is Closed.” Atlanta Snow Storm Hits Hard.

Well folks, it would appear that Hell has frozen over.

That is, if Hell were Atlanta. This is the largest citywide shutdown due to a snow storm that I’ve ever experienced (and that’s coming from someone who’s from New York and has lived in Colorado). For those stuck in it, it’s hard to believe that this is happening.

We’ve been inundated with stories of people abandoning their cars, infants going multiple hours in below freezing temperatures, cars running out of gas, elderly couples with heart conditions gridlocked and even fathers delivering their babies in traffic.

However, in the midst of the chaos people took to social media to share first hand accounts, express frustrations and lend aid when possible. Here are some of the stories we heard. The uplifting, the cynical, the frustrated, the desperate and the downright inconsiderate - they’re all here. Though, we won’t label them as such. We’ll leave you to be the judge.

There were memes of Obama.

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Acts of not-so-random kindness.Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 9.47.34 AM

Desperate pleas for help. Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 9.47.53 AM

More memes - this time of John Candy. Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 9.48.19 AM

Photos of people stranded in grocery aisles.

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But really…we’re talking completely horizontal in Kroger. - photo courtesy of local business Whynatte.Go home this city is closed. atlanta snow storm hits hard

People helping businesses try to help others. Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 9.48.40 AM

Genuine acts of compassion and aid. - WSBTV’s Facebook Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 9.50.18 AM

Stories of people making grand gestures to comfort their loved ones.

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The Atlanta Journal Constitution doing what they do best - being transparent and generous with their information.

Atlanta snow storm

Local watering holes declaring that despite the storm they’re open for business!

Atlanta snow storm

Stories of school kids stranded on buses. - Fox 5 Atlanta
Atlanta snow storm

Info being shared about Snowed Out Atlanta - a Facebook group started for people to share information and details about the storm that became a hub for people asking for and offering aid.
Atlanta snow storm

Atlanta’s Mayor Kasim Reed publicly acknowledging commuters frustrations via Twitter.
Atlanta snow storm

Fellow Twitter users expressing their frustrations over Kasim Reed’s acknowledgements.

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Photoshopped images of Atlanta being taken over by drones in some sort of post apocalyptic, whited out world.

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Maps of what a gridlocked city looks like.

Atlanta snow storm

More incredible and hilarious memes of what I can only wish was taking place during the Atlanta snow storm.

Atlanta snow storm

Signs plastered on telephone polls encouraging the masses to do what we all were ultimately trying to do - go home.

Go home. this city is closed. Atlanta snow storm hits hard

Photo courtesy of Cat_Lanta Instagram account.

Wherever you are, know that we’re thinking about you. And on the off chance that you’re walking distance to Greenwood Ave, I’ve got a comfy couch, a warm blanket and a mug of bourbon cider waiting for you.

4 replies
    • Lexi Severini says:

      Absolutely! Thank you for letting us know. We saw it posted and reposted everywhere. Great shot! Please send us the verbiage you would like attached with the photo or send us the link to the original posting and we’ll hyperlink it to your page.



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