Jason Maldonado IS Everywhere

Hello friends and clients of Everywhere – nice to meet you! I am excited to announce my position within the Everywhere family as Director of Digital Marketing. Bringing my experience to Everywhere, I will be focusing on continuing the excellent brand strategy our clients have grown accustomed to receiving and on client procurement.

In the interest of making this introduction somewhat fun (I hope), and given David Letterman’s recent announcement that he is leaving Late Show, I have compiled a Top Ten List about me. Beats reading a novel about my life, or, again, I hope.

  1. I received my BA and MA in communication research from Ball State University (where David Letterman went to school).
  2. Prior to Everywhere, I worked at The Home Depot for nearly two years, where I lead digital strategy.
  3. NERD ALERT – I love diving into social and online data to find consumer marketing trends. Your next big brand campaign sits somewhere in the numbers.
  4. I am the only male in our Everywhere office, which is totally cool with me, as I have eight sisters (I’m the oldest).
  5. The quotation that is current stuck in my head is “Creativity is subtraction.”
  6. I was a digital strategist at Edelman Digital Chicago for many years – clients included Disney Parks, Slim Jim, Kimberly-Clark, Kraft Foods, and SC Johnson.
  7. Post-college, I worked with professors at Northwestern University, completing marketing research at the Medill School of Journalism. Again, nerd.
  8. I recently won Alumni of the Year from my alma mater, and I am a council member for the Communication and Media Department advising on the future student curriculum.
  9. My current favorite office snack is chocolate-covered espresso beans. #Wired
  10. I met my partner on Tumblr – we have lived in two different cities, but we now reside together in Atlanta.

Now I know what you are saying…”But Jason, who are you outside of work?” Well, I have included a fun infographic that speaks about me as a person.

JasonInfographic_single (1)_001

Finally, I am more than slightly addicted to coffee and would, no doubt, be happy to grab a cup with you.

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