5 Social Media Resolutions for 2016

Everyone sets New Year’s Resolutions, but why not social media resolutions? What are you looking to change up in the New Year? Here are five resolutions I’m going to tackle. What about you?

  1. In 2016, I want to organize my Pinterest Boards. Specifically, my “Food Ideas” board is out of control. My board is a maze of food delights with no clear way in and no clear way out. I have party ideas, dinner entrees, lists of crock-pot recipes, snacks, and more all in one place – great in theory, terrible in practice. I can’t find anything I’m looking for! What I really need instead of one all encompassing board is separate boards for each category of food. Once I tackle that, I can begin to think about reorganizing the rest of my boards. Hello, home section!
  2. Because the early use of SnapChat was to share those personal, disappearing stories, I limited my followers to friends. So my next resolution is to follow non-friends! I’m thinking more thought leaders, publications and celebrities. First up on my “to follow list”: DJ Khaled (more exciting jet ski rides, I hope!), Mike Platco (an amazing SnapChat content creator), and Mic (more millennial focused news, why not?). Any more suggestions? Tweet me!
  3. With SnapChat being as popular as it was in 2015, as well as the fact that it’s my favorite platform, I’m going to devote another resolution to it. I need to watch more of the Discovery section. I totally underutilized this part of the platform. Every once in a while when I’m bored, I tap for some interesting content and each time I wonder why I don’t do it more often. From learning about world topics to DIY tips to recipes and more, I feel like it’s helping me learn and become more well versed about a variety of trending topics and news.
  4. Twitter has really gotten a bad rap in 2015, but I’m not ready to abandon this pithy platform. In 2016, I’m going to up my Twitter game by participating in more trending hashtags. I’m a fan of the @Midnight #HashtagWars, which are always trending and that I always seem to overlook. Specifically I missed out on awesome ones like #FailedApps or #FoodComedians. I think joining trending hashtags will make me feel more part of the conversation and a new community. Chatting and social media do go hand in hand. That’s why we’re there, right?
  5. And lastly, I vow to be more consistent on Instagram. Instagram seems to scream “sporadic” or “when you’re in the mood.” Also, because I’m a purist, the very nature of the platform makes me only want to post beautiful and quality photos. This year, I’m hoping to plan ahead more so that my posts can stay at the quality my followers expect, but are rolled out on a more consistent basis.

So what are your social media resolutions? Share them with me in the comments or by tweeting me at @linacracy!

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