
Influencer Marketing – A Quasi “How To” Manual

At our agency, we’ve been in the blogger relations business since we opened our doors six years ago. We live, breathe and drink influencer marketing, but I’m still uneasy with the notion of building a manual for “how to reach out to bloggers.” Not because I think we have some secret formula when it comes to influencer outreach; the challenge is that blogger relations is more about the relationship and less about the process. Relationships are built organically, over time. There’s no manual for building camaraderie and trust. That said, there are some basic guidelines I can offer up that may help demystify what we take into account when activating influencer marketing campaigns.

  1. Find a common denominator between your product or brand and the blogger. Far too often, we hear of brands sending out pitch emails to a huge list of bloggers often on BCC, with no personalization. Spoiler alert: this tactic will not get you results. It will get you straight into the delete folder. Take time to read each blog you are pitching, see when and where the blogger may have written about a similar subject, and make the connection.
  2. Today’s “blogger” really is an “influencer”. Their influence extends far beyond their blog. We go beyond the blog to review their full suite of social channels and digital footprint. You may learn they have a different content strategy on Pinterest or Twitter than they do on their blog. When pitching, think about their entire eco-system of social activity and how your product or brand might be served on their social channels.
  3. A blogger has a name. It’s not “Dear Blogger” and certainly not “Dear Mommy Blogger.” Imagine how you’d respond if you got an email that read, “Dear PR Hack,” or, ‘Hey you, marketing maven.” I can’t imagine you’d respond positively, so don’t be surprised if your “Dear Blogger” email is met with no response. I wish I did not have to offer this advice in 2015, but I still do. Use the blogger’s actual name when reaching out to them, and yes, you can find their name in the “About” section of their site.
  4. Take the time between campaigns to listen. How do you do that? Go to a blogging conference, read a blog, follow an interesting blogger on Twitter, or even friend them on Facebook. Despite commonly held beliefs, most bloggers aren’t living in their basements, alone at their computer waiting for you to send them a pitch. They have lives, they write, they volunteer, they exercise, and they write some more. The truly great bloggers don’t do sponsored post after sponsored post. They have opinions and it’s worth getting to know something about them.
  5. Focus on the relations and less on the sponsorship part of the equation. Back when I was a PR professional, I had some good solid relationships with a few reporters. I’d take the time to chat with them even when I didn’t have a story to pitch. Those key relationships held me in good steed when I did have a story and no idea how to get it into the media. If the only time you reach out to a blogger is when you are selling, you’ll be sold up the river when you really need their help.

I know everyone out there really does want to crack the crack the “blogger relations” nut. I understand why! Bloggers are influential. They’ve built a platform and complimentary social channels where they share their message. Brands who can build a relationship with a blogger have the opportunity to create rich third party content. Get the relationship piece right and then you’ll get real results.


Everywhere Talks Blogger Relations with the DigitalSisterhood

If I had to pick my absolute favorite thing about my role as Everywhere’s Digital Outreach Manager, it’s blogger relations. I love connecting with fellow bloggers, reading their work, discovering what interests them and then finding a place where I think that they would fit into a campaign for one of our clients. Thru these efforts, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and get to know (both online and in person) some amazing women with stories as unique as their blogs.

One of those women is Everywhere friend, ‘Heart of Haiti’ ambassador & blogger Ananda Leeke, who represents a case study example of what sustainable “blogger relations” is all about. Recently, I was privileged to be a part of her weekly DigitalSisterhood radio show to talk about the work I do and offer insight to bloggers on how to create effective partnerships with brands.

Throughout the show, there were a lot of questions about what we do at Everywhere and specifically, how we approach partnerships with bloggers on behalf of our clients. I thought I would share some details about current opportunities along with some perspective on what we look for when identifying potential partners.

Why Work With Everywhere?

Our clients understand and respect the value of working with bloggers, to boost credibility, obtain user insights and to drive interest in their products. This trust in the power of blogger engagement, allows us to do some pretty innovative campaigns on their behalf. Through an ongoing ambassador program, we led a group of bloggers to Haiti to learn first hand about the Macy’s ‘Heart of Haiti’ collection. This once in a lifetime experience deepened our ambassadors’ commitment to bringing awareness to ‘Heart of Haiti’ resulting in millions of additional, earned and shared impressions for our client. For client Qualcomm in support of their mobile gift giving app SWAGG, we engaged bloggers for a series of product driven focus groups. The insights gathered from these mommy bloggers had a direct impact on new product features in subsequent releases of the app. Talk about influence!

What We Look For

Every campaign has it’s own set of criteria when it comes to identifying partner candidates, the most important being relevance. After all, it does us our clients no good to work with a blogger who’s audience has no interest in what we’re promoting. And we’re pretty certain most self respecting bloggers wouldn’t have it any other way.

While blog traffic is a factor, it’s by no means a deal breaker. We’re most interested in how engaged your community is with you and the products you’re promoting. Do your readers interact with your content through subscriptions, comments and on external social platforms? Can you demonstrate your influence and authority in a particular category? Do your readers take heed to your calls to action? We’d rather have the opportunity to speak to a small group of qualified and captive readers than millions of disinterested passers-by. And finally, are you passionate not just about a particular product but about your blog and your community? This is typically evident in the authenticity of your blog voice, the frequency of your interactions and posts and the thoughtfulness and creativity of your content.

Current Opportunities

We have ongoing opportunities to attend live cooking demos with the Macy’s Culinary Council in multiple markets, featuring chefs like Todd English and Wolfgang Puck. Also ongoing are various fashion driven events to support new apparel collections debuting at Macy’s.

Additionally, we’re in the process of assembling a new team of ‘Heart of Haiti’ ambassadors for Summer/Fall initiatives and to potentially join us on an upcoming trip to Haiti. And finally, we’re helping to launch a game changing mobile app for which we’ll be engaging tech savvy mom bloggers to help promote.

Want to Learn More?

1. Send us an email. Introduce yourself and your blog and tell us where you’re from, what your interests are and how you see yourself partnering with Everywhere.

2. Tweet us! I can be reached personally at @Brittont13 or @Beeverywhere.

3. Know that we’re working on multiple campaigns at any given time including: Fashion, Celebrity, Culinary, Cause, Technology and the list goes on! We’re also open to hearing your unique ideas for partnerships that would benefit the brands we’re currently working with.

4. And understand that we ask all bloggers to follow and abide by FTC guidelines.

Finally, we are always available to chat, offer advice and provide Social Media insights & information to help you grow your brand. If we’re not yet in touch, please feel free to tweet or email us at @beeverywhere / We look forward to connecting!

If you weren’t able to attend the May 4th DigitalSisterhood live streaming, you can listen to it at your convenience here.