The Culture of Being Everywhere

A company without a culture is like a donut without its hole, lacking the emblematic character that makes it unique. You could assume that company culture is built by default - a product of those who inhabit the space. That’s true to some extent, but culture should be aspirational too. A company cannot be complacent with its culture, it’s something that must be cultivated and nurtured.

At our agency, we’ve made a concerted effort to drive culture and not let the chaotic nature of agency life suck the personality out of our environment. We’ve actually devoted critical think-time to collectively outline what we are known for and what we want to embody. We’ve captured these traits, plastered them around our office, and dubbed them our core values.

  • #ItsHandled – We’re fixers. If something’s not quite right, we make it better. We’re focused on solutions not problems. Much like Olivia Pope in “Scandal,” we can smell when something is amiss and our team of gladiators will get it handled before anyone else even realizes there’s an issue.
  • #StopCollaborateAndListen – As kids, we all learned to stop, drop, and roll in fire safety class. We try to avoid fire drills at Everywhere. Our mantra is more Vanilla Ice inspired: Stop, collaborate, and listen. Our team thrives on partnership. The go-to salve for any challenge is groupthink. We’re smarter together, and that’s why we like to take a collective minute to be thoughtful about whatever challenge we’re about to tackle.
  • #RelationshipGoals – For us, our clients, teammates, and Everywhere Society influencers are all ‘bae,’ as my millennial staffers might say. Building relationships with all of the people we work with is a key ingredient to our ability to be trustworthy partners in our clients’ success.
  • #ShowMeTheReceipts – The proof is in the pudding. Not only do we run kickass campaigns, but we detail the results in terms that matter to our clients. We’re always looking for new ways to illustrate the impact of our work with hard stats and insightful analytics that show we mean business.
  • #FasterHorses – Inspired by Henry Ford who famously said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” We don’t propose “faster horses” to our clients. We strive to be innovative, solving problems for our clients that they didn’t even know they had.
  • #iLoveMyJob – It’s called “work” for a reason, but at the end of the day, we love our jobs. Sure, some days are longer than others – but we make it a point to embrace the inevitable crazy, keep a sense of humor, and appreciate the variety of work we get to do.
  • #GoalsAF – Won’t spell this one out, but if I did, “AF” rhymes with “As Duck.” At Everywhere, we believe a goal is a mandate. Under promise, over deliver? Heck ya. We’re competitive and we want to win – every time, for every client.

As you can see, we take our work – but not ourselves – very seriously. These core values help remind us of what we stand for and why we love working at Everywhere Agency, where personalities are welcome and go-getters thrive. And if we can turn it into a hashtag, why not?

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