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Last week, our team attended a PRSA function focused on managing high-profile social media crises within the high tech community. Near the end, one attendee asked whether social media served as a relevant tool for B2Bs. Below we’ve rounded up another week’s worth of social advice and blog posts for B2B marketers, which helps to support and answer this question.

Hubspot: 9 Common and Costly B2B Social Media Marketing Mistakes - “In a world in which 60% of the sales cycle is over before a lead ever talks to a salesperson, it has never been more important for marketing to be involved early in the buying process. Social media, when used for B2B lead generation and education, can help attract, educate, and qualify leads.”

Radian6: 10 Biggest B2B Social Media Challenges - “We asked attendees to share their biggest challenges using social media for their B2B companies. Below are the top 10 responses.”

B2B Online: On Social Sites, Tune the Message to the Medium - “The key to making social networks work for you is to speak the language of the audience, invite discussion and get people to share what they learn. Let’s look at an example of how this might work in a b2b context.”

B2B Voices: A History of Disruptive Innovation in B2B Marketing [Infographic] - “An excellent infographic by the team over at Eloqua looking at breakthrough technologies and processes that forever changed one segment of the world: B2B Marketing professionals.”

The Lawyer: The Role of Social Media in the Legal World - “Whilst the use of social media sites clearly has many advantages, it comes with a big sign saying, “User beware”. The apparent anonymity of live media often leads its users to feel untouchable to the usual legal parameters.”
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