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Radian6: Using B2B Social Media to Create a Nation of Brand Advocates [CASE STUDY] - “Wanting to interact with brand advocates on social media, Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), the global aerospace leader, and digital marketing leader,, came together to create an online community of PT6 engine enthusiasts.”

inBlurbs: How B2B Marketers can do Social Media Lead Generation the Smart Way - “Any B2B business can use social media as a source of unfiltered information and as powerful business intelligence tool to predict trends, for support and product development. Social media has proved in the past years that it can bring positive ROI when done right.”

Business 2 Community: 4 B2B Social Media Networks You Should Know About - “This week, we’re sharing 4 B2B networks you may not know about…but could potentially benefit from.”

Search Engine Land: 4 Examples of B2B Content Marketing Executed with SEO Best Practices in Mind - “According to the 2012 MarketingSherpa Search Engine Marketing Report, of all SEO tactics available, “content creation works the best, but takes the most work,” says Kaci Bower, Research Analyst, MECLABS. B2B Internet marketers need new content to enforce and build upon keyword strategies, acquire links, and attract attention in social media.”

The B2B Guide to Social Media: 22 Google Plus Statistics - A look at Google Plus by the numbers.

HubSpot Blog: 63% of B2B Companies Don’t Generate Leads from Social Media [New Data] - This means that, while these companies were generating traffic from social media channels, they were not converting that traffic into leads for their businesses. “So why might this be? The biggest disconnect is between content and social media. It’s important to routinely publish content in your social channels to send qualified traffic to your website — but how does that turn into lead generation? How B2B marketers can generate more social media leads…”


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