
Wednesday Wisdom from Everywhere

We’ve been busy searching the web for more articles and blogs that we think will help you and your business stay on-top of social news. Here is a roundup of some recent articles we found helpful for social businesses.

Wednesday Social Wisdom

Technorati: Google Rolls Out Business Profiles on Google+ - “Almost in stealth mode Google rolled out Business Profiles on Google+, its social network, limiting access, in the first instance, to those who have Google Apps for Business (the service costs $5 per month to use and you do need to have a website). The intention is to work out the kinks before the service goes global a little later in the year, which should be well before Christmas.”

Social Media Explorer: Developing a Twitter Workflow – “Despite all the great content available online regarding Twitter do’s and don’ts, there still seems to be a significant amount of confusion (across my network) about “what to do on twitter.” People seem to be struggling with the actual day-to-day tasks that pull together all the best practices. This post is designed to highlight Twitter workflow and aims to help you organize and plan your own “twitter routine”.”

Marketing Vox: B2B, B2C Social Marketing Practices Move Closer Together, But Still Remain Distinct – “B2B social media marketing has lagged behind–far behind–its B2C counterpart. That, though, is beginning to change as more firms begin to explore the value a social B2B outreach can provide, especially as more tools come to market for this constituency and more research studies capture best practices.”

Forbes: More Than Facebook: The Time is Right for Social Business – “Gone are the days of businesses limiting or even entirely restricting employees’ access to the Internet and social media platforms. Today, by combining social networking tools – internally and externally – with sophisticated analytic capabilities, companies are transforming their business processes, building stronger relationships among their employees, customers and business partners and making better decisions, faster. This is what makes a social business – embracing networks of people to create new business value and opportunities.”

Marketing Sherpa: B2B Marketing: Focused top-of-the-funnel campaign fills day-long workshop in target market – “Marketing and Sales alignment is always a hot topic. When the two business functions are working together marketing efforts are more effective and Sales’ job becomes easier.”

Roanoke Times: Social Media Open New Doors for Litigation – “With the proliferation of Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites, lawyers in both criminal and civil cases are often looking for evidence online. Although it’s rare for a post to become a smoking gun in a criminal case, the material is more likely to play a role in civil cases, especially those involving employment, divorce and child custody.”


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